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Across The Pacificに進展が…
2019年01月03日(木) 00時05分
I am sorry for the delay in answering your questions. I moved last year and also retired from my job. I haven't checked this message board in a long time. Here are the answers:

Hello! I am taguchis.

I play "across the pacific" in Japan.
I tried scenario 23.5 and how do Japanese gain 96 points I think.

Japan gains points in the following way.
sink ships:15 points
destroy aircrafts:11 points
Surrender of land force:12 points
Urban occupation:58 points

1.Which city was occupied Japan?

Airfields = 1, Anchorages = 1, Resource symbols = 2 each

2 Manila airfield and anchorage
1 2541
1 Negros
1 Davao
1 Leyte Gulf
1 Jolo
1 Tawi Tawi
8 subtotal Philippines

4 Brunei
2 Malaya resource hex
1 3052
2 Singapore
2 Rangoon
1 1754
1 Hong Kong
13 subtotal British SE Asia

7 Palembang
3 Java
1 Bali
2 Tarakan
1 Balikpapan
1 Menado
2 Kendari
2 Ambon
1 Morotai
1 3336
2 Sorong
1 Biak
1 Hollandia
1 Timor
26 subtotal Netherlands East Indies

1 Wewak
1 Admiralty Islands
1 Lae
1 New Hanover
1 Bougainville
1 New Georgia
1 Guadalcanal
2 Rabaul
9 subtotal Australian NE possessions

1 Guam
1 Wake

2 subtotal US Pacific possessions

8+13+26+9+2=58 total

I calculated the scores of the city.
But one point absolutely is not enough.
Please give me occupied city list by geekmail.

2.How did the Manila submarine escape?
SS-2 didn't sink in Manila by historical.
but Japan sink SS-2 in 1st turn in this game.
I want to know how to do it.

G4M, G3M, Ki-21, Ki-48, or H6K can sink submarine unit by using their “L” factor on Combat Results Table Number 2 and getting an adjusted die roll result of 4 or greater.

3.How does Japan destroy the Australian Air Force(2units)?
The following units are setted up in Australia.
RAAF: Wirr “A” and Wirr “B”

I think these units couldn't destroy in this game.
How does Japan destroy aircrafts?
I want to know how to do it.

Yes, I do not think the Australian air units can be destroyed until Turn 2, unless the Japanese player attacks and invades Brisbane rather than Pearl Harbor and an amphibious target in SE Asia.

Please teach me these question.

Mark Kramer, the developer, set up this scenario as a learning tool and a kind of puzzle. I have only played it about two times, and came far short of the historical result both times.

The campaign game is more interesting, because it allows the Japanese player to try different strategies. Some of these might have a beneficial effect on Japan’s position in the long-term.

Michael Myers
三等兵 (2)